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Power Plus universal battery tester


Rs 150.00 /pc
Total Price

SKU : SKU002586

Stop wasting your Money! NEVER throw away good- batteries again!Test them to know if they are alive or dead!- A very useful gadget, must have for every home and office.- Tests all kinds of batteries- AA (pencil cells) AAA, 9V batteries, and all kinds of button cells.
Stop wasting your Money! NEVER throw away good- batteries again!Test them to know if they are alive or dead!- A very useful gadget, must have for every home and office.- Tests all kinds of batteries- AA (pencil cells) AAA, 9V batteries, and all kinds of button cells.
Stop wasting your Money! NEVER throw away good- batteries again!Test them to know if they are alive or dead!- A very useful gadget, must have for every home and office.- Tests all kinds of batteries- AA (pencil cells) AAA, 9V batteries, and all kinds of button cells.

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